
Unique Kitchen Layouts: The Concealed Approach

unique kitchen layouts concealed design walterworks hardware annapolis maryland md

Perhaps one way to remedy the situation is to look at unique kitchen layouts? In that case, we present you with the possibilities of the concealed kitchen approach.

It’s often said that the kitchen is the true hub of the home. While the living room is an important place for family bonding, the quickest way to someone’s heart is through their stomachs. Unfortunately, certain kitchen styles fall out of fashion. Then there are practical or functional reasons the kitchen doesn’t work anymore. Perhaps one way to remedy the situation is to look at unique kitchen layouts? In that case, we present you with the possibilities of the concealed kitchen approach. 

The Underlying Aesthetic Principles 

You might be curious about how a concealed kitchen works. From an aesthetic perspective, it’s quite simple. One of the core values underpinning concealed kitchens is the minimalist look. Concealed are more low-profile in the sense that they don’t dominate the part of the home where they reside. It’s a fantastic way to keep visual clutter out of sight. Besides, you’ll be able to close off the (perhaps with sliding or pocket doors!), which in turn imbue the illusion of the room being larger. Plus, considering how appliances and other features are tucked away inside the walls and cabinets, it makes organization a snap. 

Ways to Deemphasize Your Kitchen Appliances 

No kitchen is complete without a good set of appliances. However, you might not like the way they look. Hidden appliances add a sense of sleekness, streamlining your kitchen as a whole. Cleverly-placed wall panels make it simple to hide the fridge, the dishwasher, and the trashcan. Likewise, you can quickly put away smaller appliances like toasters and coffeemakers and free up countertop space. All you need are drawers and cabinets with plenty of storage space. If you’ve always wanted to have a lazy Susan, this is a great place for it. Covered cooktops on your stove represent another fascinating way to create a unique kitchen.  

The Finalized Remodel Design Does Matter

In the end, it’s crucial to remember that the finished product has a huge impact on the practicality of your kitchen. Why are you using this strategy instead of employing others following the same general ideas? What do you hope to accomplish? Start at the end, and finish at the beginning. This advice sounds odd, but we assure you that it’ll make sense later. Once you have every last detail accounted for in advance, you can see the bigger picture. Visualizing the floor plan, appliance location, and furniture configuration get easier. And at this point, that visual is much easier to turn into something real! 

Out with the Old, In with the New: How Can We Help You?

No matter what type of home hardware and decorative touches you choose, WalterWorks Hardware has the expertise and supplies you need. Throughout Maryland, Washington, D.C., and the northern Virginia area, residents love us for our fantastic hardware and unbeatable knowledge. For more information, please call us at (410) 263-9711 or contact us online. For more tips on choosing hardware for your home, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, Houzz, and Pinterest.


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